#100% Nitrile rubber surface is earth-friendly,Textured surface for best slip resistance,U.V. Stable,Rubber border will not curl or crack. Available in four OSHA colored Safety Borders,Closed-cell PVC/Nitrile cushion affords outstanding comfort and is permanently molded to the Nitrile rubber top,(5/8" Thick) Striped Border
Hog Heaven Spill Control 3' x 12' Floor Mat (5/8 Thick) Stripe Border .
Features100% Nitrile rubber surface is earth-friendlyTextured surface for best slip resistanceU.V. StableRubber border will not curl or crack. Available in four OSHA colored Safety BordersClosed-cell PVC/Nitrile cushion affords outstanding comfort and is permanently molded to the Nitrile rubber top Hog Heaven Spill Control 3' x 12' Floor Mat (5/8 Thick) Stripe Border?
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