Cambro ICS175TB-180 Sliding Lid Polyethylene Tall Ice Caddy, 38-1/16-Inch, Gray

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Cambro ICS175TB-180 Sliding Lid Polyethylene Tall Ice Caddy, 38-1/16-Inch, Gray

Product By : Cambro

Cambro ICS175TB-180 Sliding Lid Polyethylene Tall Ice Caddy, 38-1/16-Inch, Gray . This Sliding Lid tall ice caddy is made of polyethylene material. It has thick foam insulation hold ice for days. It will not crack, dent, bubble, chip or break. Unique Sliding Lid slides back and under, reducing risk of cross-contamination. Recessed well and drain shelf keep ice out of water, extending holding times. Molded-in handles ease maneuvering. Recessed handle on front end for lifting. Includes 5-inch caster, front swivel with brake, 2 rear 10-inch easy wheels. Heavy-duty front casters and large rear easy wheels ensure smooth transporting. It is very easy to clean. It has a 175-pound capacity. Available in gray color. Measures 33-inch depth by 23-inch width by 38-1/16-inch height.

  • Sliding Lid tall ice caddy will not crack, dent, bubble, chip or break
  • Made of polyethylene material with thick foam insulation to hold ice for days
  • Heavy-duty front casters and large rear easy wheels ensure smooth transporting
  • Available in gray color
  • Measures 33-inch depth by 23-inch width by 38-1/16-inch height
  • Many instructions
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