Tennsco 3 Wide DoubleTier Locker with SeeThru Doors

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Tennsco 3 Wide DoubleTier Locker with SeeThru Doors

Product By : Tennsco

Tennsco 3 Wide DoubleTier Locker with SeeThru Doors . Safely view contents with doors closed. Spot unsafe items regular lockers would hide. Tough acrylic panels, vandalresistant recessed handles. Durable welded metal construction absorbs decades of punishment. Powder coated finishes resist everyday scratching. Ideal for schools, industry, airports and other public areas. Six locker spaces available.Double Tier lockers offer an advantage in that twice the number of lockers can be placed in the same space as single tier lockers. Each locker has plenty of hanging space for jackets and shirts thanks to three preinstalled coat hangers. Positive 2point locking system in the door secures contents.Choice of stylish colors fit any interior style. Ships assembled and ready for use. CDL-121836-C


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