Brewwise® Dual Soft Heat® Dbc Brewer, 120/240v Black

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Brewwise® Dual Soft Heat® Dbc Brewer, 120/240v Black

Product By : Southbend

Brewwise® Dual Soft Heat® Dbc Brewer, 120/240v Black . BrewWISE Brewing System Brews 18.9 gallons (71.5 litres) of perfect coffee per hour. Brews 1/2, 1, or 1-1/2 gallon (1.9, 3.8 or 5.7 litre) batches. Stores individual coffee and flavor profiles using adjustable water volume, bypass percentage, pulse brew, and pre-infusion timing. Operate any combination of BrewWISE equipment error-free with wireless brewer-grinder interface via Smart Funnel . Reduce accidents with safety features that decrease hot splashes from funnel, eliminate brewing when funnel or server is not present. Troubleshoot all switches and electrical components from the front panel with advanced diagnostic service tools. Simplify installation and calibration by creating your own recipe cards and dedicated funnels with the BrewWISE Recipe Writer using your PC (Windows compatible). International electrical configurations available. Electrical: Brewer is 3-wires plus ground service rated 120/240V, single phase, 50/60Hz. Plumbing: 20-90 psi (138-621 kPa). Machine supplied with 1/4" male fitting. Tank capacity: 8.4 gallons (31.8 L) Other: Based upon incoming water temp of 60 F/15 C (140 F/60 C rise).Models listed as 120/208V or 120/240V must be connected to 208V or 240V electrical service respectively. Please refer to the installation manual. 35.80 L. 21.20 W. 18.00 H.


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