Wooden 312 Bottle Rectangular Bin Wall Display Wine Cellar Rack Storage Kit(Mahogany)

Looking for Wooden 312 Bottle Rectangular Bin Wall Display Wine Cellar Rack Storage Kit(Mahogany) Great Deals, Online shopping, Wooden 312 Bottle Rectangular Bin Wall Display Wine Cellar Rack Storage Kit(Mahogany) Read Product Review, Features, Specs, Description, Check Prices Update & More satisfactory for this item reviews! Wooden 312 Bottle Rectangular Bin Wall Display Wine Cellar Rack Storage Kit(Mahogany)

Unique retail wall display combines rectangular bin style storage with multi-level display shelves for easy view of the vintage. Perfect for high volume wine sales. 3 Column Modular design allows for easy expansion. Our retail wine racks easily accept price tags, rating cards and sale signs. Always free shipping, order today! The Wine Racks America Retail Edge Series allows wine retailers, wineries and those in the hospitality industry to display their wine for retail sale. Built specifically for the needs of retailers, The Retail Edge Series will fit most 750 ml bottles on the market today. If you're in the business of selling wine be sure to showcase your collection in the best spotlight possible. Our Retail Edge Series racks are designed to help you sell more by displaying more bottles and labels.

Wooden 312 Bottle Rectangular Bin Wall Display Wine Cellar Rack Storage Kit(Mahogany)
Product By : Wine Racks America

Wooden 312 Bottle Rectangular Bin Wall Display Wine Cellar Rack Storage Kit(Mahogany) #.

  • Eco-friendly wood sources in sustainable forests. Some Assembly May Be Required.
  • 1 3/8" Toe Kick Standard: We lift our racks up higher so your bottles are not sitting on the floor
  • Standard 3 3/4" bottle cubicles: Fits most of the 750 ml bottles on the market. This includes the Oregon Pinot bottles, some Champagnes, and most of the uniquely shaped boutique vineyard bottles.
  • Easy-edge Bottle Holders: Measuring 11/16" x 11/16" x 12 5/16" long - thicker and longer than the competition and your wine bottle labels won't tear because of the smooth, hand-sanded edges where the bottles lay.
  • Create endless wine displays and aisle ways. 100% Lifetime Warranty backed by our Price Match Guarantee!
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