3dCarbon 2010-2013 CAMARO V8 - 7 PC. KIT - (painted: Cyber Gray Pearl - matt - WA637R)

✚✚✚ 3dCarbon 2010-2013 CAMARO V8 - 7 PC. KIT - (painted: Cyber Gray Pearl - matt - WA637R)

The styling kit is available as a 4, 5, 6, or 7 piece kit with several accessories that may be purchased separately, including front fender vents, rear window trim and a rear spoiler. It is manufactured in OEM-quality high-pressure injected molded polyurethane and is backed by 3dCarbon's factory-matching warranty. It is also available pre-painted. Note: Front Air Dam DOES NOT FIT V6 Models

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3dCarbon 2010-2013 CAMARO V8 - 7 PC. KIT - (painted: Cyber Gray Pearl - matt - WA637R) - The styling kit is available as a 4, 5, 6, or 7 piece kit with several accessories that may be purchased separately, including front fender vents, rear window trim and a rear spoiler. It is manufactured in OEM-quality high-pressure injected molded polyurethane and is backed by 3dCarbon's factory-matching warranty. It is also available pre-painted. Note: Front Air Dam DOES NOT FIT V6 Models.

  • Front Air Dam
  • R/L Side Skirts
  • Rear Lower Spats Right & Left
  • Rear Deck Lid Spoiler
  • Rear Window U Trim & Front Fender Vents
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